As leaders who steward and oversee the greatest work in the world through the local church, we are privileged and honored to serve you. Send us an email or give us a call to connect with us anytime. Or, meet us in person by planning your visit today!
How can we serve you?
Lance Moyer
I am blessed to have been called to serve at Ware’s Chapel. It is a wonderful church set in the beautiful farmlands of Preble County. Ware’s Chapel is a warm friendly place where all are welcomed like family. After having spent the first part of my career in corporate America, God called me into a path of vocational ministry. I began the journey as a worship leader, which ultimately led to pastoral ministry, and I have enjoyed
serving God in the church for nearly 20 years. At Ware’s Chapel you can encounter Jesus through meaningful worship, faith engaging conversation, and transforming service in our surrounding communities. I look forward to meeting you! How can I serve you today?
Marye Heitzman
Certified Lay Minister
Ware’s Chapel has been my church home from birth. At age 12 I started playing the piano for church services and 46 years later I and still playing.
In the Fall of 2014 I got a call from God to minster to people who were hurting. I began this journey by starting a Stephen Ministry group at our church in 2015. During the process of starting Stephen Ministry in our church God spoke to me again and said “this is not the end of your journey”. He wanted me to step out from behind the piano and be a leader in the church and to provide pastoral care. I attended the Certified Lay Ministry Academy 2015-1016. It was a 2 year program to ready me for my service to the church and the journey God had put me on. I was credentialed as a Certified Lay Minister June 2016 at Annual Conference. Since then I have taken many continuing education courses on pastoral care.
My passion is to help others. I still lead Stephen Ministry and I provide pastoral care for anyone who asks for my help. My pastoral care is led by the Holy Spirit and it is only through Him that I can help others. I know God walks with me every day and allows me the privilege to be his hands and feet to those I provide care for and this blesses me as much as it blesses those I serve.
Melody Reynolds
Ware's Chapel has been my church home for more than 35 years, following an invitation from friends who invited me to bring my children to Sunday School. Ever since, I have taught Sunday School, sung in the choir, joined the United Methodist Women, chaired and served on many committees, and participated in numerous activities and events sponsored by the church.In July, 2012 I was hired as church secretary. You'll find me at the church Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings preparing worship bulletins, quarterly Beacon newsletters, and other documents while scheduling reservations for our spacious Fellowship Hall and adjacent VanAusdal Park. We often hear compliments from the community on the welcoming and gracious people of Ware's Chapel who provide a safe, convenient place to gather.Being the church secretary keeps me connected to the wonderful stories of Ware's Chapel's past and its continued growth and influence into the future of Monroe Township, the larger community, and the world. -
Christopher Leis
Media Specialist
“My family relocated to New Paris in August of 2022 & wanted to find a church to attend. Finding Ware’s Chapel was no accident, as my wife knew several members of the congregation. Walking through the door for the first time, no one made us feel like a stranger, but more like a longtime friend.”
“My wife Heather & I are going on our seventh year of marriage. God has blessed us with three amazing children. Isaac is 7, Hunter is 4 & Scarlett is 2. I thank God daily for these 4 blessings that he has bestowed upon me.”
“I am looking forward to being the Social Media Manager for Ware’s Chapel. Currently I manage several social media accounts for the Fraternity I belong to as well as their website. I use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube for both the Fraternity & personal use. My knowledge on these platforms will help me not only to bring more traffic to our social media accounts, but hopefully to our doors.”
“The work of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ is a multifaceted endeavor. In other words, it is not one-dimensional or onesided. My plan is to employ different methods that work together toward our objective of winning souls for Christ. For example, God used Paul to plant & Apollos to water. They each had a role in the process of people coming to Christ. To me that is why using social media is so very important in today’s world.”
Youth Director
We are looking to hire an exemplary youth director on a part-time basis (15 hours per week) to lead and guide our middle and high school students (6th-12th grades). The youth director will strive to make all students understand the faith journey, encourage students who are interested in the knowledge of God, and support them to develop their love for Him and others. You will attend student functions at schools and community events, grow relationships within the community, and provide students and their families with biblical counseling.
To apply, please send your resume and references to
If you know of any qualified applicants please share this with them.