You are welcome here!

You belong. You matter.

For more than 100 years, Ware's Chapel has served as a place where people belong from the moment they arrive; a place where people discover their identity and unique giftedness through a relationship with Jesus. The good news of God's extravagant love is shared with people from all walks of life, connecting us with our true purpose and providing the passion to live accordingly. Don't be fooled by our rural setting - we are a local church with a global mission to know God and make him known with everything we are, give, and do... the ends of the earth.

what matters most


If we get one thing right this side of heaven, we want to love. First, we want to love God with all we are and have. Then, we want to share this love with everyone. Without exception, we are not concerned with who you are, where you've been, or what you've done. When you connect with us, you're family. No questions asked. As one unknown author writes, "I'd rather attend church with messed up people who love God than religious people who dislike messed up people." Or, as one faithful attender mentions, "Our guests find a home at Ware's where all can use their gifts and strengthen their faith."

Plan your visit today!